Ares Alpha Player, Field-Owner, and Promoter FAQ

Welcome to the FAQ section for the Ares Alpha system, a state-of-the-art real-time tactical application tailored for airsoft and paintball enthusiasts. Ares Alpha is designed to enhance your gameplay by providing real-time positioning of teammates, a structured command hierarchy, mission updates from game organizers, and efficient information transmission to team leaders on the battlefield. Dive into our FAQs to make the most out of your Ares Alpha experience and elevate your tactical game to new heights. Remember, Ares Alpha is specifically crafted for airsoft and paintball; please refrain from using it in other contexts like tourist navigation​.

Field and Promoter FAQ

Durability Against Paintball and Airsoft Conditions

he Ares Alpha products are designed to withstand the rigors of both paintball and airsoft environments. They are built with durability in mind, featuring waterproof and resilient materials to endure hits from paintball goo and airsoft BBs. This ensures that the devices can withstand the typical conditions encountered in these games, providing reliability and longevity for users.

Game Mode Integration

Ares Alpha enhances airsoft and paintball games by integrating unique game modes such as Domination, Bomb, and VIP Transport. These modes can seamlessly blend with various mission types including reconnaissance, assault, and patrol, adding a new layer of strategic depth to the gameplay. This integration allows for a more immersive and varied experience, offering players a range of scenarios and challenges to tackle during their games.

Connectivity in Poor Service Areas

Ares Alpha is designed to function effectively in areas with limited or no cell service. The system includes offline capabilities, allowing it to operate seamlessly even when internet connectivity is weak or unavailable. This ensures that gameplay is uninterrupted and all functionalities, such as local scoring and real-time updates, remain operational. This feature is particularly useful in remote or dense playing fields where cellular service might be inconsistent.

Cheating Prevention Measures

Ares Alpha incorporates several features to minimize cheating during games. The system uses real-time tracking to monitor player movements and activities, ensuring fair play. Additionally, there are active monitoring mechanisms in place to detect and prevent common forms of cheating. These features are designed to maintain the integrity of the game and ensure a level playing field for all participants.

Device Requirement for Players

Players are not necessarily required to carry cell phones during Ares Alpha games. The system is designed to be versatile, offering alternative options like compatible smartwatches. This ensures that players who prefer not to carry phones can still participate effectively. However, it's important to note that the full range of functionalities, such as real-time tracking and communication features, might be limited without a phone. The system provides flexibility to accommodate different player preferences and setups.

Gameplay Without Cell Phones

Ares Alpha allows players to participate in certain game modes even without a cell phone. While the full range of features, such as detailed real-time tracking, may not be accessible without a phone, players can still engage in basic functionalities. This includes interacting with physical props and participating in game objectives. However, the experience may be limited compared to what is available with the full use of a smartphone or compatible device.

Weatherproof and Paintball Gel

Ares Alpha products are designed to be weatherproof and resistant to substances like paintball gel. In the event of exposure to paint or other residues, the products are easy to clean and maintain. However, it's important to refer to the manufacturer's guidelines for proper cleaning procedures to avoid damage. The warranty for Ares Alpha products generally covers defects in materials and workmanship, but it's advisable to check the specific terms for coverage related to paintball or airsoft impact.

Battery Charging Time

The charging time for Ares Alpha products varies depending on the type of battery used. Regular batteries typically have a shorter charging time compared to mega batteries. It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging to ensure optimal battery life and performance. The exact charging duration for each type of battery can be found in the product specifications or the user manual. Regular maintenance and proper charging practices will help in maximizing the efficiency and longevity of the batteries.

Required Number of Tactical Boxes for Large Events

The number of Tactical Boxes needed for large events depends on the size of the event and the number of participants. Generally, a larger event with more players would require more Tactical Boxes to adequately cover the gameplay area and provide a seamless experience. It's recommended to consult Ares Alpha's guidelines or customer support for specific recommendations based on your event's scale and requirements. This ensures optimal deployment and functionality of the Tactical Boxes during the game.

Sensitivity of Electronic Targets to Different Projectiles

Ares Alpha electronic targets are designed with adjustable sensitivity settings. This allows them to reliably register hits from a variety of projectiles, including airsoft BBs, paintballs, and even Nerf rounds. The flexibility in sensitivity adjustment ensures accurate scoring and feedback regardless of the type of projectile used, making these targets versatile for different styles of gameplay and equipment.

Firmware Updates

Ares Alpha products require manual firmware updates. This approach is chosen to avoid interruptions during events. Users can update their devices at their convenience, ensuring that the system remains operational with the latest features and improvements. Manual updating allows users to schedule updates when it's most convenient, ensuring minimal disruption to gameplay and events.

Wi-Fi Requirement and Offline Functionality

Ares Alpha products are designed to operate both with and without Wi-Fi connectivity. This ensures that the system remains functional in environments where internet access is limited or unavailable. When Wi-Fi is accessible, it enhances certain features, such as real-time data syncing. However, the core functionalities of the products are maintained even in offline mode, providing flexibility and reliability in various playing conditions.

Score Visibility Control in the App

The Ares Alpha app allows users to control the visibility of scores during gameplay. This feature enables game organizers to decide whether scores are displayed to players in real-time or kept hidden for strategic purposes. It offers flexibility in how the game is experienced and can add an element of surprise or competition, depending on the preference of the organizer and the nature of the game.

Comparing Different Ares Alpha Targets

Ares Alpha offers various targets, each with unique features. The Advanced Autonomous Electronic Target is designed for specific functionalities and scenarios, while the Advanced Tactical Box Target Addon offers different capabilities. Understanding the differences between these targets can help users choose the right equipment for their specific needs and gameplay styles. This comparison is essential for making informed decisions about which Ares Alpha products best suit the requirements of different airsoft or paintball scenarios.

Applicability for Paintball and Airsoft

Ares Alpha products are effectively designed for both airsoft and paintball scenarios. The system's versatility ensures it is suitable for various gameplay styles and environments typical in both sports. This adaptability allows players in either discipline to enjoy the enhanced tactical experience Ares Alpha offers, making it a valuable addition to both airsoft and paintball games.

Offline Functionality of Products

All Ares Alpha products are designed to function independently of an internet connection. This means they can be used effectively in offline mode, allowing for uninterrupted gameplay in areas without internet access. The products only require a connection for activities like updating data or firmware, ensuring they remain versatile and practical for various gaming environments and situations.

Starter Pack Recommendations for New Users

For those new to Ares Alpha, a starter pack is recommended to help integrate the system into their events. This pack typically includes essential items tailored for beginners, providing a balanced mix of equipment to get started with the Ares Alpha experience. It's designed to offer a comprehensive introduction to the system's capabilities, ensuring a smooth transition for newcomers to the technology.

Warranty Information

Ares Alpha products come with a specific warranty that covers defects in materials and workmanship. It's important for users to review the terms and conditions of the warranty to understand what is covered and what is excluded. This information is crucial for managing expectations regarding the longevity and maintenance of the products. Users should refer to the official warranty documentation for detailed information and any limitations that may apply.

Cable Connection for ATB Pro Bundle

The ATB Pro Bundle requires specific cable connections for its autonomous targets. These connections are essential for the proper functioning of the system. Users need to ensure that they have the correct cables and that they are connected as per the instructions provided with the bundle. This ensures that the ATB Pro Bundle operates effectively and as intended during gameplay.

Independent Use of ATB Pro

The Advanced Tactical Box (ATB) Pro is versatile enough to be used independently as a standalone prop in games. It offers functionalities that can enhance the gaming experience even when used separately from other Ares Alpha system components. This feature allows event organizers and players to employ the ATB Pro in a variety of scenarios, providing flexibility in game design and execution.

Promotional Content Focusing on Airsoft

Some concerns have been raised about Ares Alpha's promotional materials appearing primarily airsoft-centric. However, the company assures that its products are equally effective and suitable for paintball. This commitment to versatility ensures that both airsoft and paintball enthusiasts can fully benefit from the tactical advantages offered by Ares Alpha products.

Player FAQ

I’m not seeing my location on the map / I cannot center the map on my position.

Check if location services are enabled on your phone and if Ares Alpha has permission to use it.

After a period, my position doesn’t show any more on my teammate’s phones.

While we're thrilled to collaborate on your custom project, we reserve some creative rights, especially if we decide to include it in our product collection.

Will my battery die fast when I’m using Ares Alpha?

No, not really. In our tests on different phones, we used the app continuously for more than 12 hours with a full charged battery.

How much mobile data is using Ares Alpha?

It depends on how much players are joined the game. On large events, with hundreds of players you’ll use around 60 MB, if you play all day long. Ares Alpha it’s optimized to use small data packets, since we’re trying to cover fields with poor phone signals.

I don’t have any phone signal on my battlefield. I can still use Ares Alpha?

Unfortunately, you’re out of luck. You need to connect to google maps servers and our servers to share your location with your team.

I’m kind of worried to use my phone in the middle of the game, I don’t want to broke it.

Most handy solution it’s to cover your phone with a protective case. There are a lot of special cases/mounts, for arm or chest.

My smart band doesn’t vibrate on Ares Alpha notifications.

Check your smart band app if it allows app notifications. Also make sure to include Ares Alpha on band app notification list.

What is the difference between Quick Game and Advanced Game?

A quick game allows you and your team mates to share location in real time. It won’t complicate thinks with chain of command hierarchy, orders, medics, custom maps, etc. One player creates the game, and rest of the team mates join it. On the other hand, if you want to create an organized event, with multiple teams, hierarchy, and so on, use Advanced Game. For start you should create a Quick Game to familiarize with Ares Alpha.

How should I send an attack or defend order?

If your rank is higher than squad leader, you can issue orders by long pressing the map on the desired location. Squad leaders can only mark locations as friendly/enemy spots and soldiers cannot mark the map in any way.