Demolisher / Field Artillery: The Impactful Destructor – HR Tactical Innovations

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Demolisher / Field Artillery: The Impactful Destructor

Matthew "Heavy Rifleman" |

The Demolisher/Field Artillery plays a role that merges the aggressiveness of the Broadsword with the versatility of the Sabre. Their primary function revolves around the skilled use of various explosive devices – from rocket and grenade launchers to a potent throwing arm for grenades. This SCR is the team's go-to expert for taking out tanks, Shield Operators, and executing building clearances with explosive efficiency.

Balancing between offensive power and strategic positioning, the Demolisher/Field Artillery finds their niche in the mid-range of combat. While they avoid the frontlines due to their limited ammo and the specialized nature of their equipment, they can fill vital roles in support of both the Sabre and Broadsword. In certain scenarios, particularly in close-quarter battles, the Demolisher may employ an APS CAM870 shotgun loaded with birdshot shells filled with 6MM paintballs, effectively clearing rooms and corridors.

Their role extends beyond mere destruction. The Demolisher is also integral in bomb planting or defusal tasks, lending their expertise in explosives to assist the Engineer. In fields where paintball mines are permissible, they adopt the role of a Sapper, setting traps to ensnare the enemy, adding another layer of strategic depth to their team's approach.

The equipment carried by the Demolisher/Field Artillery is specialized and often heavy, impacting their mobility. As such, their loadout is carefully chosen to balance this additional weight, ensuring they remain effective in their role without being encumbered. This balance is crucial to maintain their status as a pivotal player in the game, capable of changing the tide of battle with well-timed and strategically placed explosive power.


Strategic Combat Role: Demolisher/Field Artillery

  1. Role on the Team:

    • Function: Specialist in explosive devices and area control.
    • Responsibilities: Utilizing heavy weaponry for tactical advantage, supporting team in demolition tasks.
  2. Playstyle:

    • Approach: Balanced aggression with strategic positioning.
    • Tactics: Mid-range combat, room clearing in CQB, trap setting, assisting in bomb tasks.
  3. Strengths and Weaknesses:

    • Strengths: Versatile use of explosives, ability to significantly impact the battlefield, support in varied combat scenarios.
    • Weaknesses: Limited ammunition, heavy equipment affecting mobility.
  4. Suggested Loadouts:

    • Gear: Rocket and grenade launchers, APS CAM870 for CQB, specialized equipment for demolition tasks.
    • Supplies: Ammunition balancing between explosive devices and standard combat, tools for bomb tasks and mine setting.

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